Cheetah Cookies

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Simple White Chevron Cookies

This weekend I was asked by a friend and local catering business Shoe Chef Unlimited, to prepare some simple cookies for an event he was catering the desserts for.  I was honored to be asked, and excited to get to make some pretty cookies.

There was only two criteria for these cookies, they had to be small and simple.  I used one of my favorite small plaque cutters, tha can be found here.  There is nothing simpler than white icing.  I love not needing to use food coloring, and worrying about having enough icing for all the cookies.  I felt the cookies looked a bit weddingish, but that's ok.

I started by piping and flooding the cookie with white icing, allowing it to dry overnight.  The next day, I used this stencil with my air brush machine to create the chevron pattern.  I used pearl shimmer sheen to achieve the tone-on-tone look.  I allowed the airbrushing to dry for a few hours.  Then I attached the roses. The roses can be made ahead of time.  I'm not the best at making roses and needed a large amount, so I purchased them this time. The roses are from here.  This place is great for large quantity royal icing accents.  Just don't make the mistake of shipping them to an address you haven't lived at for seven years, like I did.  Let's just say I was freaking out until the reorder arrived.   After the roses were attached, I came back with green icing and piped on a small leaf with a leaf tip.