Cheetah Cookies

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Lake Region Medical Logos

Hello everyone!  Sorry, I've been away for a bit.  I've been very busy finishing up my last semester of school.  Only a little over a month left and I'm all done!   These cookies were a special request from my younger sister Danielle.  She is also in her final semester of school and graduating in a few months.  She is working towards her degree in engineering.  Her Senior Design Project is working with Lake Region Medical.

Danielle started her senior design project in September and it will wrap up when the semester ends in May.  For the project, Danielle worked with three others students to identify problems and worked on improving coating on guide-wires for Lake Region Medical.

Lake Region Medical is a small company in Minnesota that deals with minimally invasive medical devices, including catheters, defibrillators, pace makers, and stents.  Danielle and her team presented their findings to a group of engineers from Lake Region and her college.  She asked me to make these cookies for her presentation.

To create the heart cookies, I enlarged the logo in Photoshop and printed it out to use as a template for cutting out and decorating the cookies.  The heart cookies were about four inches.  For the rectangular cookies, I used this cookie cutter.

Once baked, I cut up the printed out logo to create a template for the boxes/diamonds of the heart.  (shown in picture).  I used a red food coloring marker to trace out the boxes/diamonds on the cookie.  I started with the center white diamond to give it ample time to dry so the red icing would not bleed.