Cheetah Cookies

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Reindeer Plaques and Striped Christmas Trees

Quick, beautiful holiday cookies are always a wonderful thing.  Having a plan to quickly decorate cookies when you get a request last minutes is a life saver.  Both of these cookies were super quick and easy to decorate. 

Using a common icing color keeps decorating simple.  For these cookies, all I had to make was white, green, and small amount of brown icing.  By repeating the green and gold color scheme, it keeps the cookies looking cohesive.

Plaque cookies are great because you can put anything you like on them, so they work perfectly in a pinch.  I used this plaque cutter for the reindeer head cookies.  I iced the cookie with white icing and allowed it to dry.  Then I used this stencil to airbrush wide gold stripes on the plaques.  I made the reindeer stencil that I used but you can find a similar one here.  I created the reindeer head with thick icing.  While I still had the stencil in place, I dusted the green icing with disco dust to give the reindeer heads some sparkle.

This triangle Christmas tree cutter can be purchased here.  I iced the tree portion with the same green Icing I used for the reindeer head and added a brown trunk.  Once the icing dried, I used this stencil to airbrush on the gold stripes.  I rotated the stencil about 45 degrees to get the lines on a diagonal.  I used Amerimist gold airbrush sheen on both the plaque and trees.