Cheetah Cookies

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Mystery Shape Monday-Violet Pots

There have been times when I felt like a blog-slacker because I didn't have any cookies to post and just didn't want to make any.  I'm now facing the opposite problem, I have so many back-logged cookies that I've not posted. I still have about ten posts waiting on the back burner.  This is one of them and it fits as a Mystery Shape Monday.  I made these cookies for my mom for Mother's Day. 

This is kind of a mystery shape Monday.  I say "kind of" because I didn't come up with idea.  These cookies were originally made by the brilliant Calleye of Sweet Sugarbelle.  I made royal icing violets for these Alpha Delta Kappa cookies and wanted to use up the extras.  The violets that I made were pretty big, so I was only able to fit one on each cookie.  Just one large flower made the pots look a bit odd; I wish I could have fit an odd number of flowers on the cookies.  In case you haven't figured it out, I used a cupcake cutter.  Cupcake cutters are pretty versatile, I use one last week too.