My yellow turtle galoshes.
Growing up in Minnesota, when it rained in the summer, it was usually an all-day event. That meant no bike riding, going to the beach, or anything fun. There never seemed to be a shortage of water in Minnesota. When I moved to Arizona, I had never heard of the monsoons; I had no idea what they were. The monsoons are seasonal thunderstorms that develop because a change in the wind flow. High pressure aloft moves north from Mexico into the Four Corners region. Winds begin to blow from Mexico into the Southwest. The air mass from Mexico is moist and brings thunderstorms with it. One week we might not have any rain and the next it will rain everyday. The rain is always welcomed in the desert (although sometimes it can cause flash flooding if it comes too quickly). I like that it brings clouds and cools the air. The best part is the chance to see a rainbow.
Making some rain-related cookies has been on my list for awhile now. Most of the shapes came from images I found for my Sihouette. Here are the links to the shapes the girl with the umbrella., and the rain boots, and the cute cloud. The rainbow cookie cutter is from here. For the rain boots, I cut them out and then taped the cut-outs together before hand cutting the cookies. I used the "wet-on-wet" technique to create the dots and whales on the boots and umbrellas. I used a very small tip for the whales (either 0 or 00). The idea for the whales came from a pair of galoshes from J.Crew similar to my turtle ones. I made the clouds happy because we're always happy to get any rain in Arizona. I didn't have a planned color scheme for the cookies. I used left over icing, so that's why it is mismatched.
This last week as been dry with a break in the monsoons. Hopefully we still have some more rain showers heading our way before the summer is over.
Raining like cats and dogs out there.